VAN KLEUNEN A, VAN ROOMEN M & FOPPEN R (2017) Red and Amber List of migratory and wintering birds in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 90 (3): 131-138.
Red List assessments in the Netherlands
used to focus on breeding birds
only. This is remarkable given the huge
numbers of birds that use the Netherlands
during migration and winter.
Therefore a national Red, Amber and
Blue List for migrants and wintering
birds was produced.
First, all flyway populations using the
Netherlands during migration or in
winter were identified. As flyways
have been defined for waterbirds only,
they also were identified for landbirds,
based on ringing data. Subsequently
we determined the functional use
of these flyway-populations of the
Netherlands, i.e. whether they used
the Netherlands during migration,
winter, or both.
In accordance with Red List evaluations
for breeding birds, different levels
of conservation concern were identified
on the basis of population sizes
and population trends. For trends,
1950 was taken as the year of reference.
A population was listed at a higher
level of concern if its spatial distribution
in the Netherlands was restricted
(i.e. occurring at five or less locations).
Furthermore, only populations were
included at the Red or Amber List in
case the numbers in the Netherlands
were of international importance. This
excluded scarce, occasional visitors
to the Netherlands from the Red and
Amber Lists.
263 populations were evaluated, of
which 39 were placed at the Red List.
In addition, nine populations qualified
for the Amber List, because of recent
declines. The Red List comprises quite
some populations with Arctic breeding
grounds, and populations that
winter in farmland. Some noteworthy
species on the Red List, which hitherto
received rather little attention in the
Netherlands, are Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon
nilotica nilotica and Aquatic
Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola.
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