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BOONMAN M (1996) Short contributions: Pond Bat Myotis dasycneme prey o/Tawny Owl Strix aluco. LIMOSA 69 (2): 72-73.

Tawny Owl Strix aluco A total of 12 551 skull fragments were collected at a Tawny Owl breeding site in a church in Nederhorst den Berg, central Netherlands, in december 1994. The fragments belonged to 4479 prey items (Tab. I). Two skulls were identified as belonging to two bat species: Nathusius' Pipistrelle and Pond Bat. The Pond Bat has not been reported previously as a prey item of Tawny Owls. Taking into account the regular speed and height of the Pond Bat's flight over water, the chance that this bat in free flight can be caught by a Tawny Owl seems remote. It is more likely that the Pond Bat was caught close to its colony site or either inside the church attic.

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limosa 69.2 1996
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