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Limosa 76.3 2003



Limosa 76.3 front
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Limosa 76.3 colophon
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Limosa 76.3 colophon
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Limosa 76.3 content (English)
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

KURSTJENS G, DIERMEN J VAN , NOORDEN B VAN & WEIDE M VAN DER The Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra: recent population trend, habitat use and perspectives related to habitat management in Dutch river forelands and arable land
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

GERRITSEN GJ & TIJSEN W The importance of the Netherlands as staging area for Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa islandica during spring-migration in 2001 and 2002
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

BRINK B VAN DEN Hygiene measures on modern dairy farms and the fate of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

TURNHOUT C VAN, VOSLAMBER B, WILLEMS F & VAN HOUWELINGEN G Migration and survival of Greylag Geese Anser anser in the Ooijpolder, the Netherlands
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

In Memoriam: J.A.F. Koridon (7 september 1917 - 10 juni 2003)
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

limosa 76.3 2003
