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Limosa 73.4 2000



Limosa 73.1 front
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Limosa 73.4 colophon
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Limosa 73.1 content (Dutch)
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Limosa 73.1 content (English)
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

LEOPOLD MF, LEEUWEN PW VAN, HORN H & CAMPHUYSEN CJ Great Northern Diver Gavia immer eats small fish: a drowned bird reveals mysteries
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

JUKEMA J & HULSCHER JB Do Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus visit their breeding territory only during moonlit nights in early spring?
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

OUWENEEL GL Summer observations of Bewick's Swans Cygnus bewickii at Hellegatsplaten
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

KLEEFTRA R & BLES A Greylag Geese Anser anser nesting in trees: a new trend?
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

NOU Samenvattingen landelijke dag 2000
no title in English available

[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

VERGEER JW Atlas Project, status, prospects
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

BOER T DEN & OSIECK E The indispensability of bird data for the designation of Special Protection Areas under the Birds Directive
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

NOORDHUIS R The waterbirds of the Veluwemeer: sustainable ecological rehabilitation?
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

BRUDERER B Nocturnal bird migration between central Europe and the Sahara
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

KOKS B Announcing new integral wadvogeltelling, news Wadden Sea
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

TEUNISSEN T Nature development Geldersepoort
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

EERDEN M VAN The Pechora delta in Russia: birds of a pristine ecosystem
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

ENS B How to survive our birds in a changing climate?
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book reviews: Chappuis C. 2000. Oiseaux d'Afrique-1 (African bird songs-1); Sahara, Mahgreb, Madere, Canaries & lies du CapVert. (DVD)
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Recensie: Zalles JI. & Bildstein KL. 2000. Raptor Watch: A global directory of raptor migration sites
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Davies NB. 2000. Cuckoos, cowbirds and other cheats
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Gerdes K, 2000. Die Vogelwelt im Landkreis Leer, im Dollart und auf den Nordseeinseln Borkum und Lutje Horn
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Kren J. 2000. Birds of the Czech Republic
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Rasmussen LM. ...(et al), 2000. Breeding birds in the Wadden Sea in 1996
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

limosa 73.4 2000
