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Limosa 74.2 2001



Limosa 74.2 content (Dutch)
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Limosa 74.2 front
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Limosa 74.2 colophon
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Limosa 74.2 content (English)
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ENGELMOER M, TAAL J, WYMENGA E & KUIPERS R Decreasing numbers of Brent Geese Branta bernicla along the Frisian Wadden Sea coast
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

KRAAIJEVELD K & KRAAIJEVELD-SMIT F DNA as a tool in ornithological research
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

MEININGER PL & TER KEURS WJ Night-roost census of Hooded Crow Corvus cornix near Den Haag in 1974
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

LEEUW JJ DE Competition between fish-eating birds and fishery: matter of density dependence
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

STAHL J, EBBINGE B, GANTER B, LOONEN MJJE, TOLSMA P &: DRENT RH Theme Day 'Evolution of Social Behave' Consequences of short term and long term dominance: ranking and reproductive success in Barnacle and Brent Geese
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

HEG D Theme Day 'Evolution of Social Behave';Two females making one clutch: the evolution of cooperative nesting in birds
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Theme Day 'Evolution of Social Behave'
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

RICHARDSON F, JURY L, BLAAKMEER K, KOMDEUR J & BURKE T Theme Day 'Evolution of Social Behave'; Unravelling the complicated sex life of the Seychelles warbler
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

SALOMONS M DIJKSTRA C & VERHULST S Theme Day 'Evolution of Social Behave'; Social dominance and reproductive success in teh Jackdaw
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Wheatley N. 2000. Where to watch birds in Europe & Russia
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Heath M. ...(et al). 2000. European Bird Populations. Estimates and trends
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Meininger P L. ...(et al). 2000. Kustbroedvogels in het Noordelijk Deltagebied: ontwikkelingen, knelpunten en potenties
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Stattersfield AJ. & Capper DR. 2000.Threatened Birds of the World
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Kostrzewa A. & Speer G 2001.Greifvogel in Deutschland: Bestand, Situation, Schutz
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Book review: Meininger P L. ...(et al). 1999.Proceedings of the 1st International Mediterranean Gull Meeting, Le Portel, Pas-de-Calais, France, 4-7 September 1998
[samenvatting] [summary] [free pdf]

Rectification: Ring-necked Parakeets Psittacula krameri in Amsterdam, 1976-2000
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limosa 74.2 2001
