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KLAASSEN R & RENEERKENS J (2014) Introduction: An overview of bird tracking studies in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 87 (2): 58-73.

Research in the Netherlands knows a long history in bird tracking studies. In this introduction to the special issue of Limosa on bird tracking, we provide an overview of different bird tracking techniques (Tab. 1), and their use in the Netherlands (Tab. 2). Also studies were considered in which birds tagged abroad passed or ended up in the Netherlands (Tab . 3). We identified an impressive amount of Dutch tracking studies. Radio transmitters have been used most frequently, mainly for studies focussing on local behaviour (e.g. habitat use). For migration studies researchers relied on (gps-based) satellite telemetry and, recently, light-level geolocation. Modern gps-loggers like the UvA-BiTS and e-obs are currently the most advanced tracking systems, and because of the plethora of accurate data these systems provide, they have been used for both local habitat use and migration studies. More complex tracking systems, such as Encounternet and TOA have only been used by specialised institutions. Tracking studies have enormously boosted our understanding of the behaviour and movements of birds, both at the local and global scale.

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limosa 87.2 2014
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