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VELDE M VAN DER, GALAMA Y, HOOIJMEIJER J, TRIMBOS K & PIERSMA T (2011) Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa forensics: who laid a strangly shaped depredated egg?. LIMOSA 84 (4): 155-161.

Black-tailed Godwits were implanted with satellite transmitters to study their migration and wintering patterns in 2009. In the breeding season of 2010 the discovery of a clutch with strangely shaped eggs suggested that the transmitters might negatively affect reproduction. One year later a similar strangely shaped egg was found in the territory of one of the transmitter birds. We used molecular DNA techniques to prove that this egg had been laid by this transmitter female. This suggests that birds with implanted transmitters show normal breeding behaviour and try to reproduce, but that as the eggs are deformed, implanted satellite transmitters physically prevent reproduction in Black-tailed godwits.####Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa

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limosa 84.4 2011
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